Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy "American Gothic" New Year!!!

"American Gothic Snow People" is a painting I did way back in 2006 as an homage to the famous Grant Wood painting. Last year I did a Happy New Year's version of it. The actual "American Gothic" painting hangs at the Art Institute of Chicago. The "Gothic" house and museum is located in Eldon, Iowa. This summer I plan to take nice little road trip there. By the way, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Back to "Basics"

During some down time I had the opportunity to go into my art "archives" and pull out some old comics that I had drawn way back in the late seventies, early eighties. A comic book superheroes series I titled "The Dynamic 7"! This series about a group of  teen superheroes who had the same problems of most early teens coping with the challenges of growing up. While the artwork wasn't so great, I cherish them with great fondness as they were the very catalysts for my pursuit of art. I'm thinking that for farr too long, the ink pen and colored pencils have been neglected by me in exchange for the brush, canvas and pen tablet. Back to basics are a welcome change for me , if only for a short time, It indeed helps me refocus and reminds me how much I enjoy telling stories within a few panels and pages!
Panel from "Afrikan American Vamp"©SteveFarr

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

'Twas The Week After Christmas, When.....

Is it me, or does this period of time between Christmas and New Years seem like such a "lull"? Okay, like the period right after Halloween prompts festive and reflective thoughts, and the anticipation of Thanksgiving. All good on this end! Then, very shortly afterwords, with Black Friday, the holiday rush, etc, the attention and momentum builds up until Christmas Day! So now, we piddle around aimlessly through this week up until New Years Eve. I'm not saying anything is wrong with that, I just want to know how I'm supposed to feel! Someone at the barbershop said last week about Christmas: "I'm glad to see it come, and I'm glad to see it go!" A point well taken. Hmm,...the word "Anti-climactic" comes to mind! LOL!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I would like to welcome all friends and fans of Farr*Art Images I figured that it was about time I started a blog page not only to do the usual things like rant and rave, but also to keep you updated on whats new and coming up for Farr*Art Images as well as latest artwork!! So that being said, it excites me that you have come aboard and what better time as we head into a new year!!